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Majer Metal Works: Custom Hand & Guard Rails, Ruxwood

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Principal and Lead Designer, Majer Metal Works

Malcom Majer

“His kind directness makes working with him so easy.”

Working with Jiho is an unique experience. He is an extremely engaged photographer, and he works very hard to capture the most compelling images that a particular subject might provide. He doesn’t hold back, but he is also very particular, resulting in images with both quality and dynamism. His work ethic is impressive, and his care in treating people never falters. In addition to shooting images of work in our studio, he has taken images of completed work both after and during installation. In all circumstances, he has successfully engaged the people in the environment, making the process of shooting a difficult object in a busy place a special event rather than an imposition, and the results are visible in the quality of his work.

I would recommend Jiho for any project—his attention to the subject is just as careful when shooting a person, an inanimate object, or even a pile of tools in a messy studio. His kind directness makes working with him so easy.

Checkout Majer Metal Works’ Collection

Behind the Lens: Meet the Author

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